Fabriek direk kleurvolle hoë kwaliteit vlekvrye staal wenkbrou trimmer gemaak in China

When asked about this ahead of Tuesday's practice, specifically how comfortable he felt in the regular season, head coach Tairu said: “We have to do this, we really don't have a choice. Ek bedoel Moses. chance But playing smallball I think it's more important to play smallball when there is Kawai and PG on the floor I think we need to put Zu out early maybe go back to the second block so he can help bounce and I think that it will be better vir ons, want Kawai en PG is groot kiesers.”
Tai Liu se laaste opmerking is min bespreek, en dit was die span se opvallende afwesigheid van verlede jaar se kleinbal-lys. While Isaiah Hartenstein had a solid backup center last year, some games still require a smallball counter and the Clippers don't always have enough staff to use it effectively.

The Pelicans had a 20-point lead over the Pelicans in the third quarter of that game, mostly composed of Reggie Jackson, Terence Mann, Nicholas Batum, Robert Covington and Marcus Morris. verskillende resultate.
In die vierde en laaste beurt het die Clippers se kleinbal-magie opgeraak en hul seisoen afgesluit. While some will point to their reluctance to re-enter the Zubac as the reason for their late struggle with this defeat, the ability to turn on the Pelicans' fast defensive end is what gets them back in the game, and the inability to do so was grootliks die rede hoekom hulle in die eerste helfte gegrawe het. Die probleem in die vierde kwart teen New Orleans was nie kleinbal nie, dit was hul personeel.
Soos Tyrou gesê het, met die terugkeer van Kawhi Leonard en Paul George, is die groep baie beter as verlede jaar. What makes these lineups more effective is not just the obvious addition of two star players, but the rebounding, defense and physicality that Leonard and George provide.
The Offensive Effectiveness (ORTG) per 147 minutes for a small ball of Reggie Jackson, Paul George, Kawhi Leonard, Nicholas Batum and Marcus Morris in the 2021 playoffs is 120.7. Die uitslag was die eerste onder al vyf wat hierdie naseisoen vir minstens 140 minute saam gespeel het. While their defense has struggled at times, there is reason to believe that the addition of John Wall and Robert Covington will strengthen the squad without too much damage to the offense, if any.
Nadat hy gesien het hoe Kawhi Leonard en Paul George in klein spanne uitblink, het Tyrou Dinsdag tydens oefening onthul dat een van sy oorspronklike planne was om Ivica Zubac in die middel van wedstryd 1 te hê. Kom uit die wedstryd en plaas hom dan terug na die bank. Toe Zubak gaan sit het, het Liu geglo dat sy twee sterre die kleiner spanne kon lei om minute aan te teken.
Terwyl sommige dalk bekommerd is dat so 'n verantwoordelikheid sy tol op die twee veterane met onlangse beserings op lang termyn kan eis, is die Clippers nou beman om te verhoed dat Leonard en George gedwing word om in kleiner groepe op te skuif. speel klein vyf, Nicholas Batum of Marcus Morris vier, John Wall of Reggie Jackson punt, Leonard en George kan voortgaan as 'n twee-drie kombinasie selfs in 'n klein besetting.
Dit is waarvoor die Clippers oefenkamp gebruik, het Tyrow Dinsdag gesê. Met soveel moontlike samestelling-iterasies, waarvan baie geldig is, gebruik die span hierdie tyd om uit te vind wat die beste werk.

Postyd: 29-Sep-2022